run and get behind and attack
run and get behind and attack
yo swain fix the medals this cool shiz needs working medals
firesteel1337 its not stolen its developed by this guy
tyler89557 i dont see people driving but this game is good
would be cool if it didnt have those toy story sounds during the songs
the first time i played this i was alone at school i went to a dark corner hugged a emo lady. shes hot
turn left might as well turn to god mode
If you can get past the second part, there is an eater egg just before the credits roll, all I'm gonna say is, have super quick reflexes and click rapidly when you see a rainbow.
lol it sound like a vid i would make uber silent rules all spams
make all achievements medals
I'll write something when i'm ready
Age 26, Male
Writing and drawing
Hoover high
Fresno CA
Joined on 10/2/09